The Rotary Club of Bangor is VERY EXCITED to announce that we will once again host our annual Festival of Lights Parade on Saturday, December 2 beginning at 4:30 PM.
The theme this year is: Create Hope in the World. Participants are encouraged to design an entry around hope and the joy it brings to people everywhere.
As in the past, the Club will present a glittering, spectacular nighttime parade, featuring entries that convey the many ways of celebrating winter and the holidays in Maine.
“For many years, Bangor Rotary Club has been honored to share this holiday tradition with the people of Eastern and Central Maine,” says Earl Black, president, Rotary Club of Bangor. “For many it signals the official start of the holiday season, and we are so pleased that it has become a family favorite to many.”
The parade can accommodate approximately 80 glittering units: marching bands, small and large floats, dancers, and other performing groups. Groups may represent traditional scenes celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, New Year’s, Solstice, Kwanzaa, or any winter happening.
“It’s heartwarming to see the community come together each December and share in this wonderful event,” says Parade Chair Roland Narofsky. “Our hope is that families will come from across the region to enjoy everything downtown Bangor has to offer, including the official lighting of the holiday tree in West Market Square immediately following the parade.”
This dazzling event brightens the season for thousands of spectators who line the streets of downtown Bangor and is capped off by the arrival of Santa Clause at the conclusion of the parade.
The parade is weather dependent. We have decided this year that if we have inclement weather that is not conducive to a safe Parade environment, we will establish an alternative delay date. This year the delay date will be December 9th. Same times and lineup will be used.
Anyone wishing to take part in this year’s Festival of Lights parade is welcome to contact Roland Narofsky at 207.862.7259 or no later than Friday, November 24, 2023.
Learn more about Rotary Club of Bangor
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