First let us say a HUGE thank you to all of the incredible individuals and organizations who participated in this year's Community Lighting Contest. It is no doubt that these folks helped to make the holiday's even brighter.
Without further ado… this year’s winners are:
PEOPLE’S CHOICE and $500 in cash: 2009-2019 Skyway Valley
And those winning plaques and serious bragging rights…
Outstanding Nonprofit: Hathaway Lights, Veazie School
Outstanding Commercial: GE
Outstanding Neighborhood: 2009-2019 Skyway Valley
Outstanding Residential: 6 Tyler Lane, Off County Road
Thank you to our participants, sponsors, and to all of you for taking the time to drive around and admire all of the hard work. We couldn't do it without you.
THANK YOU and Happy New Year
Rotary would like to thank everyone for participating in the Festival of Lights Parade this year. Thank you to our many volunteers that helped make the parade possible. Thank you to the downtown businesses that added festivities to the day and made their facilities available for this event. Thank you to the Bangor Police Department and the Public Works for all of your help.
We had 65 floats participate in the parade this year. Approximately 10,000 spectators in attendance.
The judging results are in and the plaque winners are as follows: Congratulations!
Outstanding Non-Profit - Penobscot Valley 4 Wheel Drive
Outstanding Commercial - Sandollar Spa & Pool
Outstanding Performing - Morita’s School of Dance
Outstanding Youth - Girl Scout Troop #348, Brewer
Outstanding Municipal - Bangor International Airport
Outstanding Adult - Eastside Center Health & Rehabilitation
Outstanding Band - Bangor High School Band
We will reach out to you when the Plaques are ready to be picked up.
A HUGE thank you to our sponsors.
At the Illuminator level

Twinkle Sponsors

Glow Sponsors